Pulse Pulse: 8/11-8/23/2017 | Page 5



Daniella Inzena, Discussions Editor

On Aug. 5, Bridge the Divide ambassadors from across the world held a roundtable on the topic of the Media. Various points were discussed, from general impressions of the media to what an ideal media landscape should look like to how to ensure accurate news gatherings. Ambassadors suggested watching and reading varied news sources for a more objective perspective, both within their own countries and across the world. Ambassadors proposed replacing 24 hours news networks with 2 hour blocks for more objective and concise content, as well as increasing the role of podcasts, which look at bigger ideas or specific policies. The idea of "stoic" reporting was also examined. For countries where media is controlled by the government, ambassadors agreed that supporting journalists and respecting free speech is an important priority.


.BTD wrapped up of Syrian Crisis discussion and is beginning a discussion of terrorism and counterterrorism next week. There is a new discussion threads on BTD regarding Perspectivity and Sustainable Development

BTD is currently looking for ambassadors to co-author op-eds if they have differing viewpoints on a topic. Apply here

BTD is preparing for its first ever conference, which will take place at Marlborough School in Los Angeles, California on October 28th. If you want to engage in workshops and expose yourself to the thoughts and visions of political pioneers, entrepreneurs, activists, thinkers, journalists, and officials across the political spectrum, apply to join us at the conference here: https://www.bridge-the-divide.com/conference.


Rachna, Co-Managing Editor


On August 19th, we hosted an ambassador roundtable on the Syrian Crisis; in attendance were Crystal, Hasan, Haseeb, Lizzie, and Rachna. We began by discussing what comes to mind when we think of the Syrian Crisis. Our impressions ranged from humanitarian crises to violence to a lack of sectarian tolerance. We then discussed the media's portrayal of the Syrian crisis and the causes of the Syrian War - which in our opinions range from climate change to the Arab Spring to the involvement of global powers. In continuing our discussion, we addressed what the purpose and reach of the crisis is and who has gotten involved, from border countries to the UN to the EU. Russia's and Iran's involvement in the region were also discussed, as well as what the effects of peace talks are and how much longer aid can be provided. In our final thoughts, we discussed on what we should believe our top priority should be regarding the Syrian crisis.