Pulse Pulse #2 | Page 20

18 EMPLOYEE CORNER TRAVELLING IS LOVE... by Sowmya Ramesh Bali, known as the Land of the Gods, appealed to us through its sheer natural beauty of looming volcanoes and lush terraced rice fields that exude peace and serenity... Bali: Struggles of vegetarian travelers, would have been another apt way to describe the experience my husband and I shared. Given that we were all set to try out authentic Bali cuisines, boy! were we in for a shock... Bali had us amazed right from the get go. Having said that, fun is always doubled when you have a life partner who loves travelling as much as you do. When we decided Bali as our travel destination, our families hesitated as its situated in the land of earthquakes. But, our love for the place trumped and we began our journey, with my first international flight. The trip had a rocky start when it came to food, we had a 7 hours layover at Malaysia, which had us grabbing a breakfast of boiled beans and one Masala Dosa with Sambhar for 50 ringgits, and the taste was a major letdown than the high price! For Bali, you will get your visa on arrival and its free of cost for 30 days Exiting Bali airport, entering the city. On reaching Bali, we met our driver for the trip Mr. Koming. We stayed in the heart of the city, Kuta Square. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY