Can you share the best advise you have received in your
career yet?
Frankly, I don’t have a set of words that someone said to me
or quotes from legends. I am sharing what I did imbibe as
principals after a phenomenal workshop I attended:
• I will make the ‘other’ shine – Give credit to your peer
group and team members, even though you may have done
the larger share of work in the deliverable. As in the end,
credit for what you have done can never be taken from you,
and it will also bring others closer to you in terms of working
• I will ‘Accept and Build’ – if there is a deliverable you need to
submit and one has been worked on by many, accept it in the
form that you get it and then build on it. You may find that what
Aarav and Taara at Family Day'18.
you got initially missed on many things, was incorrect etc. but
when you work on improving it, the learning you take away are
only adding a world of knowledge to you.
• I will talk ‘To’ people and not ‘About’ people – if there is
something you do not like about someone, take a few moments
and speak directly to that person about it. You may find that
what she or he did was absolutely unintentional and was not to
put you down or hurt you in anyway. This, as opposed to,
gossiping about it with your colleagues etc., as it does not solve
the problem for you, who is most affected.
Day out with Anjali and kids.