The City awarded a $ 400,000 grant to the Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council ( TCHSC ) that will provide emergency rental assistance to individuals who are at imminent risk of or are currently experiencing homelessness . The City received funding through the federal Emergency Rental Assistance 2 ( ERA2 ) program . Due to high demand , the form opened on Oct . 7 at 9 a . m . and closed on Oct . 8 . at 11 a . m ., having reached the maximum amount of applicants that can be processed for the month of October . If funding is still available , the City will look to re-open the program in November . If funding is exhausted the program will officially close in November .
The Neighborhood Services Department administers a state funded housing homeowner repair and rehabilitation program ( with SHIP funds ), when funds are available . When SHIP funds are limited , the City may also utilize Community Development Block Grant ( CDBG ) funds to supplement the program . The City opened applications for homeowner repair and rehabilitation assistance funds at 9 a . m . on Oct . 1 and closed it at 9:13 a . m . when it reached its maximum of 100 submissions .
The City of Port St . Lucie ’ s master plan for The Port District was recognized by the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects ( ASLA ), along with local landscape architecture firm LandDesign . The Port District Master Plan : Where Life Meets the River earned an Award of Honor by ASLA Florida in the Planning and Analysis Category .
Construction of the new awning to cover the driving range hitting area was completed in late September . The new amenity offers golfers much-needed shade while at the driving range and is a welcome addition from players .