PULSE MAGAZINE LONDON Issue 3 Spring 2014 | Page 2

EDITOR’S Letter Ah Spring is here and the flowers blooming and what a great time to offer you this Special Edition of the Pulse London magazine. As usual it’s free to all, just log on to www.joomag.com and search for Pulse London. So what is so special in this edition I hear you ask? Well this issue is jam packed with exclusive footage on a beauty pageant, namely Miss India Europe 2014 that I and the magazine organised and were actively involved in, from training the participants, to conducting interviews to covering the event. It’s been a busy few months, but here at Pulse we spring at a chance to get involved in community events. 15 beautiful and talented girls from all over Europe battled to be crowned the Queen. contents MISS INDIA EUROPE(MIE) Reviews In Pics It was a spectacle to watch the event especially the talent round where the girls excelled in their performances. More pictures and exclusive photos available on our facebook page. Talking about talent, meet 4 aspiring artists all the way from India to Trinidad. As usual, we continue to be passionate and supportive towards animals INTERVIEW Ranjit Singh Daliwal here at Pulse and in this issue we give you an insight into a HOSTS Tiger’s life. It’s sad to know that there are only about 3000 Bengal Tigers left in India. If you have fancied a trip to India, you can have a look at the list of amazing places this incredible country has to offer in our Incredible India section. MIE CONTESTANT Profiles TALENT INCREDIBLE INDIA SPICES Whether you want to do a Tiger Safari or want a Spiritual Retreat or maybe fancy some Whitewater kayaking, India has got it all. Finally,we share the A-lists shortcuts to the best no fuss, quick result products for the busy woman in the Beauty on the Go section. Enjoy!! shikha email: [email protected] Pulse Magazine London TIGERS credit: layout & design Ritesh Jain [email protected] www.rjvisuals.com COVER CREDIT : ANDRE MUNOZ