PULSE MAGAZINE LONDON Issue 3 Spring 2014 | Page 19
DJ Dally
Full name: Daljit Janjua
Nickname: Dally
I love: My family
I prefer to forget: David Moyes debut season
as Manchester United manager
I am superstitious about: Walking
underneath ladders
My passion: Taking part in physical exercise
weather its in the gym or playing sports
My greatest necessity: My mobile phone
My most unforgettable moment: Graduating
from university
My strength: Being loyal
My weakness: Being a perfectionist
My favorite possession: My fools and Horses
DVD collection
My special ability: Being understanding
My wildest fantasy: Wing Suit Sky Diving with
Aishwaria Rai
My most embarrassing moment: My final
year at secondary school presentation evening
where i stumbled on stage before accepting
an award
What i avoid the most: Bad Company
What touches me the most: Music
Miss India Europe to me is: A great European
stage where contestants can express
Birthday: 09/02/1988