How often would you visit family if
distance weren't an issue?
A) At least once a week
B) Once a month
C) Only on holidays
D) Only at funerals
In most situations, are you a leader
or a follower?
A) I always seem to end up in charge
B) I choose my leadership positions carefully;
mostly I follow
C) Follower. Let someone else get us in and
Favorite animal story?
out of messes
A) Dr. Doolittle
D) Neither. I prefer to stay on the outside
B) Babe
C) The Black Stallion
D) Call of
the Wild
As a Crow, you are analytical, adaptable, and exceedingly clever. You
like solving problems, sharing a hearty laugh with friends, and most
of all, enjoying a good meal. Your inquisitive, philosophical nature
leads you to constantly question authority and the status quo,
sometimes just for the sake of asking, "Why?"
As a Spider, you're artistic, intuitive, and independent—maybe even a
little eccentric. You can become so absorbed in your endeavors that
you lose track of the outside world and the people in it. But what you
give in return is magic, pure and simple.