sp DISCOVER l ia ec YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL! Find out which Spirit Animal would bestow its magic on you. Pick the best answers from the choices below: How do you feel about crowds? What's the best way to comfort a sick friend? A) Love 'em - the more, the merrier! B) Invigorating, in small doses A) Tell them a funny story—laughter is the C) I prefer small, tight-knit groups D) I'd rather spend the day in the dentist's 1 How do you respond when insulted? best medicine B) Nurture them with chicken soup or an economy-sized bottle of aspirin C) Just be there for them A) Fire back immediately B) Stand up for yourself calmly but firmly Do others often seek your advice? C) Back down, then plot revenge D) Shrug or laugh it off 2 D) Send a card—they might be contagious 3 A) Yes, on practical matters B) Yes, on emotional matters C) Yes, on spiritual matters D) No—they underestimate me (or they know not to bother me) Favorite hobbies? A) Outdoorsy stuff—hiking, fishing, or hunting B) Arts and crafts C) Daydreaming, reading, or writing Playing sports 3 5 4