Paula Souza has a passion for fashion and is currently studying Fashion Retail and is also a part time model who hopes to be a fashion stylist in the future . She is a fitness enthusiast and regularly goes to the gym and maintains her diet . Hailing from a small town in Brazil she always dreamed of being a model and today her dream has been recognised as she is a full fledged model in England . She believes that when you have confidence in yourself and never give up , anything is achievable . If she wins the title of Miss Brazil-UK 2013 she will influence , advice and work with anorexic models to show them the correct path
Silvia Regina Custodio is a church goer whose hobbies include eating out at restaurants and reading . She is a firm believer that beauty comes from within . She says , “ In Brazil white beauty is prioritized and I would like to be an ambassador for all dark skin girls to show that black is beautiful ”. She is taking part in this pageant to build her confidence and overcome her shyness and she hopes to win the title to prove that you can shine irrespective of your skin colour .
Michelle Santana Chaves spends her spare time volunteering and if she won the title of Miss Brazil-UK 2013 she would continue to help out the less fortunate and volunteer her time for good causes . She would also use her title to help eradicate poverty stricken areas in Brazil and instead bring out the natural beauty of her native country . Her interests include cinema , dance and making new friends .
Leslie Ribeiro Gouveia is currently an English student who enjoys swimming , dance and going to the gym . She currently works with the elderly and is passionate about devoting her time to the less abled people in society if she wins the title of Miss Brazil-UK 2013 she would like to strengthen the relations between UK and Brazil by showcasing the different cultures and lifestyle .
Liliane da Silva Cruz loves to travel and learn about different cultures . She also likes to listen to music and go to the cinema . As a title holder she would like to spread the rich beauty , culture and diversity of Brazil to tourists and entrepreneurs : not as a place where there is crime and poverty but a unique country with warm , hardworking people , rich natural resources and scenery .