Pulse Legacy Archive November 2011 | Page 8
hen it comes to directions, I am Captain Jack
Sparrow’s compass: Broken and north-challenged. For some odd reason, street names escape
me—sadly and often—at times when I am lost.
I’ve always insisted, especially to my husband
who knows street names like he knows his football games, women’s brains
are wired differently. We find our way around by “landmark association.” I
may not be able to find the next exit ramp, but I know where the closest
mall or shoe store is!
In many respects, navigating Conference is like navigating the road. There
are curves to maneuver, road signs to follow and policies to adhere to. This
Conference issue of Pulse serves as your roadmap, helping you find your way
around the jam-packed, three-day event. Refer to the special infographic (pages
48 – 51) to help you find your North. The fun and “bite-sized” graphic guide
gives you daily highlights so you can easily plan your Conference experience.
We’ve also included a New Product Launch Guide to help you stay on
cruise-control as you explore this year’s Expo. After all, with nearly 100 product
launches this year, there’s a good chance you’ll get lost in the maze of new
products. I encourage you then to pull the Guide out and use it as reference
while you visit booths or the Relaxation Area.
This issue is also packed with roadmaps to business success. Features like
Nurturing Customer Loyalty (page 26), Gearing Up for Growth (page 32), The
Wellness Equation (page 40) and Best Advice (page 52) are articles that highlight expert insights that could help re-energize your business. Of course,
features you’ve come to love and look for each Pulse issue, like Conversations
(featuring Life is good CEO Bert Jacobs) and Ask the Expert (with PDS speaker
and Hiring expert Mel Kleiman) are still here.
As you navigate through Conference, I encourage you to abide by the rules.
ISPA has placed policies to ensure that we all avoid potholes and enjoy a
smooth Conference ride.
In the end, should you still find yourself “lost,” don’t hesitate to ask the
ISPA staff on-site for help, including me. I may be north-challenged like Jack
Sparrow’s compass, but I know my landmarks.
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November 2011
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