Pulse Legacy Archive November 2011 | Page 15

Parents from Different Countries Look for Different Health Benefits for Their Kids

When shopping for food and consumer goods , parents from different parts of the world have different motivations when it comes to what they choose to buy and feed their kids . According to the global study conducted by Ipsos Marketing , an independent research company , differences in priorities exist across countries . For parents in Spain , Turkey , Belgium , Russia and Great Britain , heart health is the most important factor while those from France , Italy , Sweden and Germany look for food that help to reduce the risk of disease .

On a global basis , a healthy heart was ranked highest in importance , followed closely by reduced risk of disease later in life , better brain development and better immunity .
“ It is not surprising that parents in different countries have different motivations for feeding their children healthy foods . They are influenced by their unique value systems , the availability of different foods and medicines in their countries , and the messages they receive from their local media and governments ,” says Lauren Demar , Global CEO , Ipsos Marketing , Consumer Goods & Shopper .
Understanding these motivations can help you engineer your spa menu with cuisine that highlights the health benefits your guests with kids look for .

Projected to be 2011 Holiday Bestsellers

According to Nielsen ’ s fourth-annual Holiday Shopping Sales Survey , gift cards and vacations — along with value products and technology — are expected to be this holidays ’ bestsellers .

The survey by Nielsen — a leading global provider of information and analytics on what consumers buy and watch — also indicates that affluent consumers ( earning $ 100,000 or more annually ) will drive most of the holiday spending .
“ Nielsen expects the vast majority of consumers to be increasingly practical and focused on value this season ,” says James Russo , vice president , global consumer insights , Nielsen .
THE FINDINGS INCLUDE : percent of consumers plan to

62use shopping lists percent of respondents plan

46to eat out less percent plan to stay at home

40more percent plan to use coupons

37( 15 percent higher than pre-recession polling ) percent plan to buy value


“ This is a year to market early ,” Russo advises . “ Consumers are planning , creating lists and collecting coupons . In fact , coupon use continues to grow each year with almost 40 percent of consumers reporting plans to use coupons , versus a little more than 20 percent before the recession . Given all that planning , it is not surprising that close to 20 percent of consumers have already started their holiday shopping .”
November 2011 ■ PULSE 13