Pulse Legacy Archive January / February 2012 | Page 35

of * Percentage satisfied 95% exhibitors who said they will exhibit again at ISPA Conference & Expo next year at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Kissimmee, Florida 60 Percentage of Conference attendees who make purchasing decisions for their company. Nearly 26 percent placed orders on-site; roughly 50 percent plan to do order placements post-Conference. of * Percentage attendees who 92% said this year’s ISPA Conference & Expo “met or exceeded their expectations.” Percentage of companies that launched new products on the Expo floor this year. On average, around 100 new products are launched at the ISPA Expo every year. 30% Number of new companies that were firsttime exhibitors at the 2011 ISPA Conference & Expo. 82% of * Percentage attendees who said 75% 18.5 Expo hours is “just right” for amount of Expo hours. Around 62 percent of the attendees want a larger Expo space to accommodate more exhibitors. * Percentage of attendees who were “pleased with the level of speakers at Conference” this year. Percentage of attendees who felt the “balance of speaker types was just right” for this year’s Professional Development Sessions. 11 * 94% 60% Number of Relaxation Area sponsors this year—the most ISPA Conference ever has! $107,000 Total revenue from this year’s ISPA Foundations’ Live and Silent Auctions—up by 28 percent compared to last year’s Auction proceeds. ISPA Foundation extends its gratitude to this year’s Auction sponsor Miraval Resort & Spa for its support and generosity! This year’s proceeds will help fund the SPA Consumer Snapshot Initiative. *Data from the 2011 ISPA Conference Exhibitor and Attendee Survey (December 2, 2011) January/February 2012 ■ PULSE 33