Pulse Legacy Archive December 2011 | Page 8
he spa industry is never short of heroes. This is one of the
many truths we uncovered while putting together this
special philanthropy issue of Pulse. Page after page, you’ll
meet people and companies who chose to give simply
because it’s the right thing to do.
There are those who give specifically to health (page 24) because this
advocacy is closest to their heart. And then, for some, the heroes in them
are awaken by news of disaster (page 45), like the devastating tsunami in
Japan, the flooding in New Orleans or the earthquake in Haiti.
For others, giving takes on a new meaning when one is giving the gift
of time, rarely a commodity among those running a spa or business 24/7.
And yet, amidst all the hectic demands from work, many of us still find
the time to volunteer to clean the community or care for abandoned
animals in the hope of making a difference.
According to the Embracing Advocacy article by Shelby Jones, 96
percent of spas undertake one or more community outreach efforts
(ISPA 2011 U.S. Spa Industry Study). I am not at all surprised by this
number, especially since the idea of giving is innately embedded in the
community’s mindset, being an industry that thrives when it is able to
give the gift of healing.
It is also amazing that when we give, we receive three-folds more.
Take for instance this yoga teacher from Kenya mentioned in
Conversations (page 19) who—living in one of the country’s largest
slums—gave herself to Yoga and brought the discipline to her community, in return, received the gift of “self” back.
It’s indeed amazing to hear stories of generosity from people like
her—heroes who walk among us, who sit right across us at work and
may not be aware that they are heroes with the power of giving. How
about you, do you know of any hero? Or, more importantly, are you a
hero yourself?
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December 2011