Pulse Legacy Archive December 2011 | Page 6


The Magazine for the Spa Professional

EXECUTIVE Lynne McNees • ISPA President Becky Brooks • ISPA Vice President
EDITORIAL Mae Mañacap-Johnson • Editor Shelby Jones • Assistant Editor
ISPA would like
to thank its CORPORATE PARTNER for its generous support of the association .
DESIGN Marja Walker
ADVERTISING AND SALES Courtney Hacker Emily Andrews Lisa McIver precor . com
The Official Fitness Equipment Provider of ISPA .
Pulse is the official publication of the International SPA Association , a member organization for the spa and wellness industry . Copyright 2011 .
All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced without written consent of ISPA . All inquiries should be sent to Pulse , 2365 Harrodsburg Road , Suite A325 , Lexington , KY 40504 USA . Canadian publication agreement No . 40042114 .
PULSE ACCEPTS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR . Please include your name , title , company , address , phone and e-mail address . Only your name , title , company and location will be published in the magazine . The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity and content . By submitting the letter , you are giving ISPA publishing rights .
Pulse ( USPS 017-893 , ISSN 15259226 ) is published 10 times a year – January / February , March / April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November and December by Associations International , 2365 Harrodsburg Road , Suite A325 , Lexington , Ky ., 40504 . Periodicals postage paid at Lexington , Ky ., and additional mailing offices . POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Pulse , Attn : Member Services , 2365 Harrodsburg Rd ., Ste . A325 , Lexington , Ky ., 40504 , USA .
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EDITORIAL OFFICES International SPA Association 2365 Harrodsburg Road , Suite A325 Lexington , KY 40504-3335 US Phone : 1.859.425.5062 1.888.651 . ISPA ( 4772 ) • Fax : 1.859.226.4445 experienceispa . com

PULSE Is the magazine for the spa professional . As the official publication of the International SPA Association , its purpose is to advance the business of spa professionals by informing them of the latest trends and practices and promoting the wellness aspects of spa . Pulse connects people , nurtures their personal and professional growth , and enhances their ability to network and succeed in the spa industry .

4 PULSE ■ December 2011