from the chairman
s most of you who heard me speak at
Conference may have already known, I
love stories. I love to tell, read and listen
to stories as much as I love to share
Ella Stimpson
Wynn and Encore Las Vegas
Michael Tompkins
Miraval Resort and Spa
them. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then that my
regular “From the Chairman’s” column in Pulse—
which I kick off in this issue—will serve as my story
Dr. Kathryn Dundas
Sublime Wellness Spa
related as we, your ISPA Board, continue to strengthen
Sean Handler
Boyne Resorts/ Solace Spa
spa industry.
If there is one story to be told that is fitting in this
time of the year, it’s the story of generosity. So many
ISPA members give, not only financial support to the
needy, but also time and service to those who are stricken by disease, poverty or disaster. This
Pulse issue celebrates generosity, and the spas and individuals who selflessly give back to their
“Giving” is a common theme in our industry and it was a consistent message at Conference
this year. Generosity can take on so many forms as we heard echoed in our three keynote speakers. For Life is good CEO Bert Jacobs, it would seem that the best gift comes in a little box filled
with optimism. “Optimism is a powerful way to live your life,” he said. How true! But what really
excited and challenged me was his exhortation that it is not enough to merely believe that good
things will happen you have to make things happen. Companies and people who are making a
difference are doing just that.
For BrainReserve CEO Faith Popcorn, being part of a cause goes beyond supporting a cause.
You need to be part of the solution. A philanthropic initiative can only be a success story if it is
authentic—not something you just tag onto a promotion to have better sales. It should, above
all, come from a place of passion followed by concrete action that is solution driven.
And then there’s the gift of happiness which, according to Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, is vision
with meaning. Even now, I can’t resist a happy grin when I hear the “Happy Wrap” song in my
head and envision myself on board the “Zappos happiness bus.” Like Hsieh, I challenge you to
find your higher purpose—and strive to pursue it even in the face of impending challenges.
Finally, in a time when the best stories help you stand out, I encourage you to pen your own
success story. Like our speakers who had clearly outlined their visions, fill those pages with chapters of great leadership, customer service and strong company culture. And while you’re in the
process of it, share those stories—whether sprinkled with victories or occasional defeats—with
me and the rest of your peers in our industry. It’s so powerful to learn from each other and it is
these very stories that connect and engage us as one spa community.
December 2011
Sharilyn Abbajay
Marriott International
pad where I share stories both personal and workthe association as the authoritative voice of the global
Thor Holm
Hammock Beach Resort
Jeff Kohl
ISPA Foundation President
Red Door Spas
Frank Pitsikalis
Paul Schmidt
Living Energy Design
Philippe Therene
Robert Vance
Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort & Spa
Todd Walter
Red Door Spas
Immediate Past Chair
Deborah Waldvogel
Sedona Resorts
Lynne McNees
ISPA President
Gayle Brady
Skin Authority
Thad Hyland
Jeff Kohl
Red Door Spas
Jean Kolb
Kohler Co.
John Korpi
Korpi & Korpi
Kate Mearns
The Spa of Colonial Williamsburg
Jim Root
Glen Ivy Hot Springs
Jane Segerberg
Segerberg Spa Consulting, LLC
Deborah Waldvogel
Sedona Resorts
Dr. Brent Bauer, MD
Mayo Clinic