their appearance. We found this figure staggering,
yet believable, and even wondered if we had met
the other 10 percent! There is constant pressure to
be perfect physically. Girls as young as eight are
affected by negative body image as they compare
themselves to models airbrushed to perfection. I
think yoga allows women and girls to experience
themselves in a new light, to discover their own
strength, vitality, and power as well as feel their own
inner beauty. The yoga teachers we met empower
women from the inside out.
P: What lesson have you learned from yoga gurus you’ve
met and interviewed?
M: The yoga we experience today has really been hard-fought
for by women, for women. I lost my mother early in life, and
this meant I had lost a whole lineage of matriarchal wisdom.
Making this film opened up a whole new discussion for me
about what it means to be a woman, what it means to live in
and adapt to an ever-changing body, what it means to have a