Pulse June 2021 | Page 38

AGILE LEADERSHIP IN UNCERTAIN TIMES How Culture , Compensation and Communication Can Set Your Business Apart

AGILE LEADERSHIP IN UNCERTAIN TIMES How Culture , Compensation and Communication Can Set Your Business Apart

AFTER THE UNCERTAINTY that rocked our world in March of 2020 , the businesses that displayed agility in picking up the pieces and moving forward are the ones that I see thriving today .
What does it mean to be agile ( in the business sense ), and why does it matter ? Business agility is the ability of an organization to adapt quickly to internal and external market changes , respond rapidly and flexibly to customer demands , adapt and lead change in a
1 . Definition courtesy of agilebusiness . org productive and cost-effective way without compromising quality . 1
The reality is that the most successful companies in the world today pay top dollar in their pursuit of creating an agile business . The position of Chief Agility Officer became a mainstream job category a number of years ago , and there has never been a more critical time than now to be agile . Spa and resource partner leaders must be able to evaluate their business models and determine if it was created for 2021 and beyond or was it built for a different time that simply no longer exists .
Do you run an agile business ? Here are a few questions you can ask to determine the answer :
● Is your team “ we-centric ” and not “ I-centric ”?
● Do you have procedures in place to handle most any situation ?
● Do you openly communicate with your team ?
● Is your staff satisfied and engaged ?
36 PULSE JUNE 2021