Pulse June 2020 | Page 70

SNAPSHOT SURVEY PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MEDIA OUTREACH NOVEMBER 2019 l l l KEY TAKEAWAY: MARKETING AND PR WILL BE ESSENTIAL to reestablishing a spa once the COVID-19 pandemic eases, but when it comes to a spa’s PR and media efforts, it’s very much a case of big vs. small. Hotel/Resort spas were more active across the board than day spas, allocating more resources and engaging in more activities. While just 32 percent of day spa respondents indicated that they had an employee dedicated to PR efforts, four out of five (82 percent) of hotel/resort spas do. In addition, 51 percent of hotel/resort spas work with a third-party to manage PR efforts. 36 percent of day spa respondents do the same, suggesting they were more likely to handle PR themselves than outsource it. As for the PR activities themselves, 69 percent of hotel/resort spas surveyed invited media to their spas for a free treatment in 2019, making it the most popular PR method. Just 36 percent of day spas did the same, although it was still their most-frequently-used activity in 2019. MARKETING AND PR MEDIA EFFORTS 82% 32% HAVE A DEDICATED PR EMPLOYEE 51% 36% HIRE A THIRD-PARTY PR FIRM 69% HOTEL/RESORT SPA DAY SPA 36% INVITE THE MEDIA TO SPA FOR FREE TREATMENTS OUTSIDE THE BOX: Benefits of Hiring an Outside Firm l “The ability to get great ideas, the ability to farm out for advertising, or to get collaborative with our assets in their portfolio. Having a team of experts in social media, SEO, marketing, web development, etc.” l “The most valuable benefit is [that] we can use this when and where we want. Depending on the level of attention, both positive and negative, we are able to dial up what we need on demand.” l “The real benefit for us in having a third-party PR firm is to have an independent objective viewpoint on how we position ourselves to the rest of the world. It is too easy for us to become insular in our thinking and, therefore, having another voice at meetings is really helpful.” 58 PULSE ■ JUNE 2020