Pulse July 2021 | Page 59

DO YOU EVER WONDER how your peers would handle a situation ? Maybe you ’ re curious what other leaders in the spa industry have to say on a certain subject . In Sound Off , we ask ISPA members from differing backgrounds , countries and companies the same question and see how their answers compare .

DO YOU EVER WONDER how your peers would handle a situation ? Maybe you ’ re curious what other leaders in the spa industry have to say on a certain subject . In Sound Off , we ask ISPA members from differing backgrounds , countries and companies the same question and see how their answers compare .

What ’ s the best piece of advice you ’ ve gotten from a fellow spa professional in the last year ?

MELISSA McMAHON The Wellhouse at
PATRICK McDIRMIT Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa
Polo Club of Boca Raton
Blackberry Farm
Director of Spa and Wellness
President / CEO
Regional Vice President
Spa & Fitness Manager
“ The best advice I received
“ Before committing to
“ When you think you spend
“ When even the worst
in 2020 above all else
spending resources , figure
enough time speaking with
possible scenarios befall
was to be fluid and breathe
out the anticipated return
your team individually ,
us , there will always be a
and trust that everything
on the investment and
double it . Engaging your
way to succeed . True
happens for a reason .
develop key performance
team as individuals , with
leadership only comes with
Things were evolving and
indicators . You can ’ t tell if
everything happening in
experience and a true
changing so rapidly that it
the initiative is a success
the world , is the single most
leader will shine even in the
was hard to keep up
if you can ’ t measure its
important thing we can
darkest of days .” n
sometimes . It wasn ’ t easy
results .”
do for our teams .”
to change the mindset of
‘ why is this happening to
me ’ to ‘ what is this trying
to teach me ,’ but it was
necessary during 2020 . It
was only when I would
surround myself with
nature and breathe would
I remember how grateful
I was for the life I have .”
JULY 2021 PULSE 57