Pulse August 2021 | Page 30

Great Reset , 7 Principles to reALIGN , reENGAGE , and reJUVENATE ,” was filled with simple yet timeless advice such as “ value yourself ,”“ value others ,” “ know your significance ” and “ count your blessings .” It ’ s always a joy to be inspired by Dr . Williams and take his thoughtful advice —” Pause , and breathe , and it will go away .”— to heart .
Though so many of us have longed for the opportunity to come together in person at the ISPA Conference & Expo over these last 16 months , The Stronger Together Summit was evidence of our industry ’ s undying commitment to learning , growing and pushing forward . We ’ ll be together in person again soon enough , but this virtual event was a welcome , inspiring reminder of what the spa industry can do when it ’ s united , even if only in spirit . n

Town Hall Takeaways

Emlyn Brown , Patrick Huey , Susan Hern , Alissa Bayer and Kenneth Ryan .

One of the most popular resources ISPA produced in 2020 was their Town Hall series , in which panels of industry experts convene to discuss their unique perspectives on a particular topic . This session format was also utilized during the Stronger Together Summit , leading to some excellent discussions among some of the most knowledgeable leaders in their fields .

One such panel was convened for an in-depth discussion Governmental Relations & Advocacy in the spa and hospitality industries . Panelists Chip Rogers , president & CEO of the American Hospitality and Lodging Association ; Jeff Perkins , assistant VP of the International Health , Racquet & Sportsclub Association ; Myra Irizarry Reddy , director of government affairs at the Professional Beauty Association ; and Laura Embleton , government relations director for Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals joined ISPA Board Chairman Patrick Huey , who moderated the conversation .

Rogers , who has been tireless in his support of the hospitality industry throughout the pandemic , thinks it will take four or five years for hotels to recover entirely , as many are still struggling . According to Perkins , IHRSA typically places its primary focus at the state level but has recently been fo-
Patrick Huey , Laura Embleton , Jeff Perkins , Myra Reddy and Chip Rogers .
cused on federal relief and The Gyms they keep it in mind . Rogers agreed , Act , a piece of legislation intended to establish a recovery fund for health and will do it . You have a responsibility , and
adding ,“ Don ’ t assume someone else fitness businesses in the U . S . there is an enormous return on investment if you engage with politicians .”
ABMP ’ s Embleton suggested that we advocate for ourselves , perhaps having different cities undertake different itics doesn ’ t exist without money , ex-
Rogers reminded the audience that pol- mandates . She believes ABMP
plaining that , if you ’ re not willing to members should meet with legislators contribute , other industries and people ( which may be easier when they are will . Perkins encouraged building relationships with these officials organi- out of session ), local city council members and other officials to share cally , because “ The first time you meet the story of your business . Introduce someone shouldn ’ t be when you ’ re asking for something yourself and explain what you do , so !”