Pulse August 2021 | Page 14


Furry Friends of ISPA

IF YOUR INSTAGRAM FEED is anything like ours at ISPA headquarters , photos of a wide variety of furry friends are never in short supply as you scroll . Glimpsing these cuddly companions always brings warmth and smiles to our faces , and we ’ re willing to bet that the same is true for many of your guests and customers . Featuring your team members ’ beloved animals — be they pets , spa mascots or service dogs — on your Instagram feed can present a different side of your business and brand to your followers and even lead to an increase in engagement , given the powerful connection that animal lovers so often share .
So , whether you favor dogs , cats or something a touch less traditional , throw your followers a bone and consider dropping the occasional animal friend into your feed as a way to connect with like-minded followers ( and make a lot of them say ,“ Awww ” in the process ).
Highlighted below you ’ ll find a few ISPA members putting the social media spotlight on remarkable creatures that have a knack for brightening up anyone ’ s day . After all , couldn ’ t we all use a little dose of happiness sprinkled into our Instagram feeds ?
FOLLOW ISPA ON INSTAGRAM and connect with your fellow ISPA members at instagram . com / ispadoyou / # ISpaDoYou