Pulse #4, Mar 2 2944 | Page 3

Our Contributors Hello Citizen, Welcome to the fourth issue of Pulse Magazine. We have some really great content this time, with the winning entries from the Star Citizen Scene Competition, more great fan fiction from the community, and an interview with a fan favourite from Cloud Imperium Games! We’re including another competition this issue, which was made possible thanks to the kindness of our fantastic community who contributed the prizes. I’m always so surprised and gladdened to see so much generosity from fellow Citizens, the likes of which I am sure can’t be found anywhere else in the online world. You may notice that the contributor list this issue is a little shorter than the last few releases of our magazine. We’ve all done our best to bring you as much content as possible for Pulse #4, but volunteer contributors are vital to maintaining the quality and quantity of articles that our readers enjoy. If you would like to volunteer we’d be more than happy to include your work! We’re always looking for writers, reporters and artists, so if you’re at all interested in helping Pulse let us know! Email us at [email protected], or send a message to me (Feylan) on the RSI forums. Our Editors Finally, on a personal note I wanted to thank all of our readers for reading our magazine, posting about it on the forums and passing it on to their friends. Your support and kind words have made Pulse more than a hobby for me, they have turned the magazine into the work I love to do. If you read Pulse on the RSI forums you may already know that because of my day job I will no longer be able to devote as much time to the magazine as I wish I could. As a result, we are considering either shifting to a monthly release schedule, or a much shorter magazine with the same fortnightly schedule. I am truly sorry for that, if there were any way I could avoid the change please know that I would. As always, please enjoy Pulse #4! - Feylan 1