Pulse is a proud sponsor of the Star Citizen Fan Art
and Fiction Showcase being run by Bugsie on the
RSI forums! We will be showing the winners’ work
in Pulse, and our editorial team will be choosing
one entry from the winning submissions to
receive the editor’s choice award, which includes a
physical copy of Pulse magazine containing their
counted. In addition to having their work posted
work, and a $10 gift card for use on the Roberts
in a monthly showcase thread for the rest of the
Space Industries pledge store!
community to see, the winners will be featured in
the upcoming edition of Pulse.
This gift card was very provided by
RutgerMensen, we’d like to call out Rutger for his
incredible generosity towards both Pulse magazine
and his fellow Citizens. Thank you from all of us at
1. Everyone gets one nomination, you cannot
Pulse, Rutger!
nominate yourself
Bugsie has kindly explained the rules of the
competition in the forum post, but we have
reproduced them here:
2. Nominations fall into four categories:
• Wallpaper/Picture
• Video
• Fiction (Stories)
• Ship Design
Welcome fellow citizens to the Star Citizen Fan
Art /Fan Fiction Showcase. The point of this is to
showcase our fellow citizens’ work. I would like to
make this a monthly occurrence but participation
3. Nominations must be in by the end of the third
is a must if this is to happen, and this is where you,
week of the month
the community comes in.
The first three weeks of the month will be
dedicated to nominations; you can nominate
anyone who has done any fan fiction or fan art.
There are four categories that nominations fall
under; Wallpapers and Pictures, Ship Design,
Videos, and finally Fiction. Episodic Fan Fiction
pieces can be nominated for either a single
episode or the entire series. If you feel your
nomination does not fit these categories, please
message me (Bugsie) and I will either place it
into an existing category or create a whole new
At the beginning of the fourth week of the month
I will compile all the nominations and open up the
poll for voting. At that point you will have until the
end of the month, which is when the poll closes, to
cast your vote for whose work you like best in each
4. Nominations must be in the following format:
RSI handle of nomination:
Link or artwork being nominated:
5. Everyone gets one vote (your vote will be
disqualified if you vote more than once)
Here is the schedule for this month:
March 2- March 23:
Nomination Period
March 23- March 31:
Voting Period
April 1-April 2:
Votes are counted, and winners are contacted and
then announced
Winners for each category
If you have any questions please message me
will be announced after
the votes have been