Last issue we ran Pulse’s first competition, the
Star Citizen Scene Competition. I’m pleased
to be able to now announce the winners!
The competition was about showing off a
snapshot of something fans wanted to play
out in the game, and we got some very
inventive entries.
Submissions were judged on both their
artistic merits and their creativeness, and after
much wrangling the judges at Pulse decided
on three which stood out amongst the rest.
First place goes to LokeeKorr, for his excellent
rendition of the Cutlass’s traditional role: Search
And Rescue! Lokee will receive an Aurora MR+
package, which we hope will be put to good use
in a similar role.
LokeeKorr’s submission, “No Escort? No Worries!
We’re Here To Help!” pictured opposite.
The second place goes
to Tomcat, who at the
other end of the spectrum
submitted a rendition of a
crew preparing to receive
a boarding party from a
SAR team! Tomcat will
receive an Electro Skin Hull
“Drop My Cargo? That
Aint Gonna Happen....”
pictured right.
Third place goes to
SuojaKerroin for his
great mockup of an
underwater hangar.
Thanks Suoja!
His underwater hanger is
pictured left.