Check this thread out and see if the possibility of crafting in
SC matters to you. They won’t know unless you tell them.
Ideas and opinions, positive or negative, are valuable to
concept testing in development. CIG wants to know.
xAcemanx (Aceman)
Among the many categories and threads on the RSI Forums, Boy is this a thorny question. Slavery and the Slave Trade
one shines as bright as GOLD; the “GAME IDEAS” category. are already in Star Citizen according to general information
Why, you may ask? A few examples:
already posted by CIG. But how extensive will it be in the
actual game? Merely a ‘label’ for a background criminal
activity? Or an interactive mechanic for players? Here your
ideas, suggestions and opinions are VERY relevant to game
List Favorite Weapons and Gear for Boarding
development. Jump in and make yourself known.
Do you have a favorite weapon or piece of gear for FPS?
Then cruise through this list and just add your own favorite
[BCP]Seraph (Seraph84)
weapon/gear to the list. It’s like a vote - let the Devs know
what YOU want.
Is this a subject worth discussing or what?
So here it is!!! Full on FPS like “DOOM”?
3rd person combat like “WOW”? Or can
you switch back and forth? Better get in on
this thread if you want to have a say in this
discussion. The Devs NEED your feedback so
jump in and tell them how YOU feel about
Melee. Don’t be shy or wait for everybody
else to do the posting. Your vote (and
opinion) really count.
Pirate Attacks - You Win!
Mushroom’s thread about medicine and
medical supplies, ie healing, in Star Citizen.
Discussion on how medicine and medical
treatment should work in SC. We already
know about cyber limbs and scars. So how
far and how intricate should healing be in
SC? Immediate? Long Term (game time)? Get yourself in a
Mushroom mood and
post your hazy thoughts (just an idea or opinion will do)!
This thread discusses the possibility of an attack on you by
a pirate in which you beat the socks off of him. At that point
do you take all his stuff? By LAW that makes you a thief.
What game rules should be applied (if any)? Discuss this
subject and give your opinion. Tell the devs BEFORE they
OK, this may sound like one of those ‘silly’ threads. However,
decide, rather than squawking afterwards.
it is a serious discussion of a game mechanic with multiple
applications to regular gameplay. While exploring old ruins
you may find something besides pirates or artifacts, such
as…? At least give this thread a look and see what you think.
Investigative Game Play
Are you a Sherlock Holmes? Want to test your mental
metal? Like connect-the-dots information (clues) webs?
Test your puzzle solving prowess or be borrrrring? Pro or
Con, the devs want to know in advance of mission planning,
especially for the PU. Give the devs your opinion, we all have
A strong, well ‘crafted’ layout for a crafting system in Star
Citizen. Opinions vary widely from ‘do not care’ to ‘right on!’.
I know this is just a small set of examples, but guess what?
If any of these posts have caught your interest, then I have
accomplished my mission of steering you toward the true
“GOLD MINE” in the Star Citizens Forums. If you’re up for
reading about some of the
wildest, and golden ideas
flowing out of the mine then
dive in like Scrooge into the
money bin. You will not be
disappointed - or bored!