Keeping Group Blues Off the Horizon
By Beer4TheBeerGod
Last issue’s Quorum article reflected the typical opinions that uninformed people express about large groups. As a recap
the article mentioned three liabilities that large organizations inherently face. Those liabilities were that large organizations were prone to infiltration, had no personality and weren’t fun for the members, and that low recruiting standards
lead to terrible members. The reality is that these liabilities do exist, but only because so many groups fall into the same
terrible pitfalls.
Good organizations have high standards for their membership, maintain a unifying culture, avoid drama, and focus on
serving members. Bad organizations recruit only to get bigger, assume a hierarchy is sufficient to keep people together,
become a vehicle for the egos of those in charge, and force the membership to serve the needs of the leaders. The extent
to which these factors matter is proportional to the size. The bigger the group, the bigger the stakes. One of gaming’s
most infamous orga