I want to make sure that all my info is 100% legit at
all times. I make a mistake on my wording or my own
understanding of a thing when I’m putting it in my own
words from time to time but I always take that info
straight from the source. The format of my show is 100%
out of my own head as I had not even seen another
“news” show when I started Hull Truth. It was very hard
to find anything like it. I spend anywhere from 4 to 6
hours doing research (not counting the random research
I do throughout the week as I follow the content myself).
I then write a script. That takes around 4 to 6 hours
because I do some story boarding to see how things
will look and feel and plan my pacing and the things
that will show on the screen during each section. I then
record the dialogue using a terrible setup hah. I have a
20 inch monitor taped to a microphone stand, behind
my camera that I read from. Some days my eyes just
have a hard time reading the word doc on the screen
and it causes me to end up with a lot of takes which
increases the time the edit takes. Recording usually
takes about an hour. I then do all the editing in Sony
Vegas Pro (because it’s the only editing software I know
how to use at all and I can’t afford Premier!). The editing
takes 6 to 10 hours depending on how many cuts and
bits I have to add in. I’m self taught at all of this and the
only part of it I consider myself GOOD at is sound. I’m a
self-taught sound engineer and have done on-set sound
recording for indie productions. Sadly, I do not have the
mic I need to make this show sound amazing.
I’m saving up for that now.
PULSE: Is The Hull Truth a one man show, or do you
have help?
I hear you’re putting together a journalism division for
gathering information in-game, are there many aspiring
journalists in your ranks?
WES: Surprisingly enough, there are VERY FEW people
who want to do real journalism for a video game! It’s
extremely time consuming and up for much scrutiny as
well as, it doesn’t pay you a dime. I don’t blame them
really. We’re still a long way out from the release of the
game and I will be running The Hull Truth indefinitely,
as long as I can afford to do it. When the game does
release, my plan is to have a small team of journalists
reporting from inside the game as well. If there’s enough
information, it will turn into two different shows. One to
recap the weekly game news like Hull Truth does now
and one to recap all the happenings within the game
world as well. So if you’re a wannabe journalist out there
and you want a job that pays nothing, let
me know! As far as the rest of our Organization goes,
we’re up to 225 members and last time I checked,
16th overall largest out of over 12,000 organizations.
We have a really detailed layout on our forums for the
divisions we will run within our org and plan to have a
structure that allows everyone to get what they want
out of the game with the help of our brilliant, respectful
and non-elitist community. Our org’s #1 priority for Star
Citizen is building community. I have
run very large, successful guilds in other games in the
past that operated at the top of the food chain for world
and server firsts and plan to do this in Star Citizen as
well. The main difference in us and other top level guilds
is that we do this without being jerks or elitists.
WES: Hull Truth is a 1-man show as far as
the content goes. I have a RL friend, Edd,
a.k.a. Dekkocards on the web, who made
my layout for me and also is the web
admin for our website, wearetheromantics.
com. AnythingFPS made the new clip of
the Origin 300 taking off in my new intro
(minus the sound). TheWinslow on reddit
transcribes the Forum Feedback portion
of Wingman’s Hangar for me every week
as well. I still transcribe them myself in a
different format for the recorded portion
of the show but his transcriptions save me
a massive amount of time during the edit
because he transcribes them in a perfect
format that allows me to just copy/paste
them into Vegas instead of having to
format every line for each question and
answer. Thanks by the way to everyone
that has helped me with those details! You
guys make my life a lot easier on a regular
PULSE: Would you like to talk a little about
your organization, Romanticorp?