Turning 65? On a Retiree Health Plan?
Let Torrance Hospital IPA Help
Medicare 101
Attend our FREE Medicare 101 educational program and learn about the options available to you under Medicare.
Make a reservation today at www.thipa.org/Medicare101 or call 310-257-7255.
THIPA is a non-profit multi-specialty physician network owned by nationally recognized Torrance Memorial Medical Center. THIPA has been serving the South Bay community for 30 years. Our members have access to high-quality and personalized care from over 350 primary care and specialist physicians.
Remember: Medicare Annual Election Period begins October 15th and ends December 7th. Don’t be caught with the wrong health plan for 2014.
* This is an Educational Program Not a Sales Meeting
1-866-568-4472 1-310-373-5358 Hearing Impaired (TTY/TDD) www.thipa.org