Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints. Unlike osteoarthritis— the most common type of arthritis—RA isn’t due to normal wear and tear but is caused by immune cells attacking the body. RA’s onset can be much earlier than osteoarthritis, although it can occur at any age. Dealing with arthritis pain requires addressing the root cause, so each type of disease has different management techniques. We spoke with Dilrukshie Cooray, MD, FACR, a rheumatologist with the Torrance Memorial Physician Network and an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine, about how to approach RA pain.
Beyond prescription drugs, are there other lifestyle changes people can make to help with inflammation and pain?
What happens if a patient doesn’t respond to medications?
Trying to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle is very important. In individuals with arthritis of any type, weight-bearing exercises may cause discomfort. We typically recommend non-weight bearing exercises such as aquatic therapy and tai chi, which do not put stress on the joints. Physical therapy (PT) can also be helpful in those individuals who have long-standing RA and chronic deformities as a result. The idea is to try to increase their range of motion and strengthen their muscles. We use PT as an adjunct to other therapies to manage many different types of arthritides, not just RA. THE ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO IMPACT QUALITY Also imporOF LIFE AND TO TRY TO HELP INDIVIDUALS tant are healthful WITH RA LIVE A NORMAL LIFE. living practices. Eating a healthy and balanced diet What are the most common ways to deal is essential. Additionally, it is imperative to with rheumatoid arthritis pain? manage high cholesterol and hypertension The most important factor in treating RA in patients with RA, as there is an increased is diagnosing the disease early and starting parisk for developing cardiovascular disease in tients on therapy as soon as possible. Individuthese individuals. als with RA are at risk for severe joint deformities, so it is imperative to start therapy early not What about drugs for pain management? only to treat the symptoms, like inflammation Typically, once patients with RA start on and pain, but also to prevent the severe joint the app ???X]HYYX?][??[??[[X][?Y??Z]Y\?\????X]Y?]???\??[????[?X??YH[?Z[???[[\??K?Y??H?[??\??]YYX?[?\????\?Z[??[\?\???[?YH]?[?Y?\?[??[[XY\?X\?K[[?Y?Z[??[?\?][X]X??Y???[?\??X??YY[??\??]\?\???HPT??PT???[??H?\??Y?YY\?Z[???[?H]?[X]Y[?Y?\??Y??Y][?[??[???X?^[\\???Y][?[?H\?X[H?[??]??Y??]\?H?\???PT??[??YHY]??^]K?[?\?[^?[?KX????X]\?\?X\?H[??][^?H?H?Y??\]Y[?[[?\?]?K?\[?[???H?]?\?]H\?]X?\????X?H???[??H\?X\?H[?\??Z\?\?X\?K]Y[??X^H[???H?X]Y?]??????\???X?????[\?H??\??H?H?[???X?PT??H??[??H\?\H\?\?X\?H[?[?H?^H[?[[X][HX^H?H[?HX\?H?[Z\??[?[??]?\?[?YY\????]\?Y?[[?[?[[?]Y[???]?K??\?[??\?\HX\?HX^H[?X?H?[Z\??[??????YH]Y[??X^H???\????\??HYYX?[?H[?]X[K?[??]Y[???\]Z\?H?X]Y[??][?H[??HY?[???\]Z\?HH??X?[?][??YYX?[?\?]\?[YK?H]?H??X[?H?KX\??YYYX?[?\???X]?x?%Y??H?\??&]???[?]\??X\??X?H?Z]\?Y[??\?Y?[????]??[??\?YYX?[?K?]\?[\?[???]Y[???]?HH?????X??][??]Z\??][X]???\???[?H?Y??\??[?Y?[?]????H[^H]Y[??]Y?\?H\?H^H[?[YH?[?]8?&\?8?'???[?Y[?8?'H?]?H?K???\?]??H]?H??X[?H\?\Y\?]?Z[X?H??X]]Y[???]?K?H[[X]H??[\??[\X?]X[]H?Y?H[???H?[[?]?YX[??]?H]?HH??X[Y?K?0????????S??SQSS?PS????S?HM??