Pulse 02/03/2018-02/25/2018 | Page 7


Have an opinion on the issue? Email your opinion to [email protected] by Feb. 7.


The "Opinions" section will allow readers to give their opinion on prominent global issues. This platform aims to bring necessary discussions about global issues to the forefront. This issue's topic is:

Ethiopia has imposed a state of emergency. U.S. strongly disagrees with the government's decision to impose emergency. What are your thoughts on the issue?


What is the best way to reduce sexual violence?

The fact that such a large amount of individuals have experienced sexual violence is alarming and disturbing. How can we reduce the amount of sexual violence that is occuring? I feel that the way to do this is by educating people on sexual violence and its impact on the victims. There is a lot of ignorance surrounding what sexual violence really is and what sexual violence really does. I have seen this ignorance displayed on social media various time before. Perpetrators of sexual violence may be unaware of the true impact they have on the lives of the victim and they may also not be aware of why what they are doing is wrong. They may also not be worried about the consequences of their actions. Based on recent cases there does not even seem to be consequences for perpetrators of sexual violence. They too often walk away untouched from perpetrating sexual violence without having to suffer the consequences of their actions. The law has failed victims of sexual violence too many times before.

Carolina Gonzalez, New York

Educate everyone on the basics

Editor's Note: Op-Eds were edited to fit the page. To view the full version and read othe opinions on the issue, click here.