A SHORT HISTORY OF SHANGHAI appy hour Explore Shanghai Metro Map, Routeplanner A clear, easy to read and up to date metro map to help you to get around the city. Free updates, metro opening and closing times and you can use it offline. History eBook Something to read on the metro and a good way to get to know a little about Shanghai’s history. $2.49 $2.49 SHANGHAI CITY GUIDE FREE City Guide, Offline Map Especially good if you’re new to the city, this free app offers events, tourist info, restaurants and hotels. Not a massive amount of information but enough to give you an idea of where to go and what to do. FREE TOURS Newman Tours +86 138 1777 0229 newmantours.com Tours include: Gangster, Ghost, Bund, Ancient Shanghai, French Concession, Shanghai Museum. Nothing but praise for Newman Tours - they are fun, interactive and interesting. A good way to spend an afternoon, especially if you have people visiting the city. Check out our review of the Gangster tour at UnTour Shanghai Culinary Tours untourshanghai.com From street food to breakfast joints, these guys know their grub. If food is your thing then you’re in for a tasty treat. As well as giving you the lowdown on the best places to eat, the guides also offer some history of the city plus recommendations of things to do around town. Insiders Experience (vintage sidecar motorcycle tour) insidersexperience.com This is a tour we’ve done ourselves and would rate very highly. Hop in a sidecar and get driven around the city on this unique tour of Shanghai. It’s a great way to see things from a different point of view, plus you’ll be taken to get really nice dumplings. 247TICKETS.CN shanghai247.net SHANGHAI247.NET