Pullman Local — Summer 2020 Issue No. 3 | Page 15

Photo credit: Pexels.com Lifting weights is hard. It’s time consuming, takes effort and can be expensive. So why even consider it? Research shows that the health benefits far outweigh the time commitment of signing up for a gym membership or hiring your own personal trainer. This does not necessarily mean that you need to go to the gym and try to become the next Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you should be participating in weight-bearing activities that can make your life easier and keep you in tip-top shape. The biggest and best benefit of strength training, in my opinion, is the ability that it gives you to stay in shape and burn fat fast. It’s even more efficient than cardio. When you build muscle, your body needs to continually feed that tissue. This means that even sitting around watching TV, your body is burning more calories than it normally would by feeding those extra muscle cells. The body needs to continually push and pull nutrients from that extra muscle. This takes calories. After all, the calorie is just a way of measuring energy transfer in the body. This means that a stronger body burns more calories than a weak body. Next time you feel like exercising make the choice to lift some weights. Strength training also slows and can even reverse many factors that contribute to aging and age-related disease. As humans age, we lose mass in our muscles and density in our bones. These losses contribute to many diseases including osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and osteoarthritis. This could happen because of hormone changes, lack of movement or use, and a variety of other reasons. However, by putting the muscles under some tension, this strengthens the bones and can prevent or reverse the effects of these age-related diseases. Finally, strength training makes life easier. Carrying groceries, doing yard work, even getting up and down out of chairs or off the floor gets easier. A little bit of strength goes a long way in assisting with daily activities. May I repeat, nobody said go out and be the next Arnold, but take a page out of his book and do a little self-care to make your body feel and work better. One of my professors at university always said, “Motion is lotion.” Another common expression is “If you don’t use it you lose it.” People say this phrase a lot and it applies to many things, but it directly applies to the topics of movement, our bodies, and muscle mass. Do your body a favor and hit the weights to make life that much easier. There are so many things that I could say about strength training that would help any individual with overall health and wellness, but you can’t just take my word for it. Start easy —do some push-ups, some bodyweight squats, crunches and work up from there. There isn’t a need to be in the gym for hours on end. Strength training can be done at home or anywhere you want to do it. It’s the new year — take advantage of it — find out what you like and go for it. Thirty minutes three times a week is all you need to feel better. Get off that couch and get to work! Shawn is a Pullman native that now works as a personal trainer with a couple of the local fitness facilities. With the help of his team at Hawk Strength they now specialize in at home personal training. Shawn and his wife, Emelee own a local cycling studio in Em-Power Cycling which they hope will become a staple of Pullman health and fitness. With a Kinesiology major at WSU and a variety of nationally recognized fitness certifications Shawn and his team will help you achieve your fitness goals. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 509-432-5925 Instagram: @Shawnfield11 15