Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 51

A Guide to Paratheraps & Vieja in Vieja but should be lumped and re- assigned to the Paraneetroplus complex? We have also since learned that every- one’s favourite, Vieja synspila is no longer a valid name and has now become a junior synonym of a much older described fish Vieja melanura. Is it any wonder that the internet and forums alike are full of arti- cles and posts with confusion of wrong names and misidentifications? For many, name assigning is usually based on opinion, but there are rules and guide- lines to be followed, so for the benefit of the article all cichlids discussed are cur- rently assigned to both Paratheraps and Vieja. Paratheraps / Vieja consists of one of the larg- est complexes in the Central American family tree. The taxonomy history has and still is a challenge, as many other species described within the complex has since been split and re- assigned to other genera. Three species make up Chuco and one species left in the pending category of ‘exCichlasoma’. Recent taxonomy papers now tell us that these fish are no longer 15