Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 41

Introduction Herichthys deppii has been a rather overlooked species in its time. Originally discovered by Fer- dinand Deppe around 1829 and described by Johann J. Heckel as Heros deppii, there appears to have been some confusion over its de- scribed status. Perhaps it’s because the fish never really had much commercial success, that certainly it had been over looked and al- most forgotten. “Aqualog South American Cichlids book 3”, has two colour photos and the fish listed as Herichthys sp. “Rio Nautla”. Strange that the book didn’t list the accepted nomenclature Herichthys deppii. Renewed interest of this cichlid was when Eric Hanneman and party set out to Rio Nautla in search of the elusive fish, this was early 2000. Successful in their pursuit, Eric managed to bring a small group of deppii back and spawn the fish. Again in around 2007/2008, Rusty Wessel and Juan Miguel Artigas set out, photo- graphed and collected specimens for the aquarium hobby. The fish were spawned and then F1 offspring were made available to fish keepers in the UK. As of the current status of deppii stocks, that’s where the story begins. Rio Misantla, Mexio 5 Photo © Fransisco Gutierrez Franco