Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 162

Display Aquarium into the substrate or use a small plant pot. Using a plant pot, you can easily control the amount of nutrient rich substrate. If planting straight into the substrate, then make sure the plant is well estab- lished beforehand and protect the roots with a few large pebbles positioned around the base. Tiger lotus Lilies originate from Africa, however, we can use artistic licence to represent the Nym- phaea sp. found throughout Mexican and Central American waterways. I’ve decided to add a small group of Xiphophorus hellerii (Green swordtails). These are great little fish to add and will help your cichlids settle. I would advise to add the swordtails first in any Thorichthys meeki are great centrals to keep and are suitable for smaller manageable aquaria. The following aquascape is based on a pond biotope that populations of T. meeki are found in. Tho- richthys meeki are better to keep in large groups in medium to large aquariums, but if you have a strongly bonded spawning pair, then the following aquascape is ideal to try in smaller aquaria. The one illustrated is a 180L aquarium, 101 x 41 x 50 cm high, but you could still try the same aq- uascape in a larger aquarium. The main feature is a Nymphaea lotus (Green) Lilly plant. They will do best in moderate to bright light with some nutri- tion added to the substrate. Either plant straight 14