Publication2 med aquascape Publication1cs complete | Page 113

Females lack a pointed dorsal edge Biotope information: Habitats are reported to be shallow water along lakes rivers streams in marginal vegetation where the water in reported to be quite turbid. These cichlids are also found in stagnant ditches or small pools where they will spawn (Baylis 1974- 1976). These small bodies of water can be quite shallow where tem- perature fluctuations between 15c and up to 35c through daytime are common place. Plant life like Az- olla mexicana and Heteranthera sp. can be found, this can give us clues on how best to set up a genuine biotope. Algae and rotting vegetation will be in abundance where A. multispinosus will feed by scraping the algae with their adaptable teeth. The only other fish reported to be sharing these hostile habitats are young Parachromis managuense, Poecilia sp. and Astyanax mexicanus. 37