15 KNOW YOUR CAT BREEDS KURILIAN BOBTAIL HISTORIC - RUSSIA - RARE A N EXTREMELY RARE BREED,the Kurilian The Kurilian Bobtail socializes extremely well with people, other cats, dogs, and children. Bobtail is still not reconized by many of major Accounts of short-tailed cats were first received cat associations, yet it is an extraordinary and in the mid-twentieth century from scientists and endearing cat with tremendous character and great military personnel on the Kuril islands,and its intellignece. It is widely considered to be a natural appears that a number of the cats were taken back breed that develop and continues to live in an to mainland Russia. Here they proved very popular isolated enviroment ; this has led to its particular characteristics and great uniformity in the breed. It as a pets due to their wonderful temperament, easily adapting to domestic life despite their remote and originates from a chain of fifty-six islands knowns as the Kurlis, which run from the southern point of wild origins. Given that they are bobtailed and that the islands the Kamchatka penisula in Russia to the northest provide a link between Russia and Japan, parallels of the Hokkaido, Japan, and separate the Sea of Okhotsk from the North Pacific Ocean. The islands have been drawn between them and the Japanese Bobtail. While science has not yet uncovered the are subject to extremely severe weather conditions genetic relationship betwwen those two breeds, subartic cold and heavy snowfall throughout the long winter, and prolonged precipitation and fog on it can be assumed that there is a shared ancestry at some point. Many enthusiasts of the Kurilian the summer months. It is not known how long the Bobtail suggest that this breed gave rise to the Kurilian Bobtail has lived in this dificult habitat, although it is quite possible that is has existed here Japaese Bobtail. Somewhat confusinly, Russia is also home to the Karelian Bobtail,which is not in thw wild for a very long time. related to the Kurilian Bobtail. The Karelian derives Unsurprisingly, in view of its harsh natural its short tail from recessive gene and developed habitat, the Kurilian is an extremely hardy and on the opposite side of the country, in the western robust cat, which is also known for its good regions of Russia around St. Petersburg. swimming skills and efficient hunting abilities. The World Cat Federation (WCF) ranks the It is reported that this cat will not only kill rats, Kurilian as the fourth breed in cat popularity in rabbits, and other vermin, but will also catch fish Russia. In recent years there has been contered in the shallows. It is a highly resourceful and effort by enthusiasts to get the breed more firmly intelligent cat and has a wildcat appearance that is established and on the international footing. totally at odds with its very affectionate nature. It bonds quickly and strongly with its owners and has At present there are between forty and seventy catteries breeding Kurilian in Russia, in both short- several quite doglike characteristics, including a meet-and-greet service at the front door ! Instead of and long-haired varieties. In view of their truly taking over one’s lap, it prefers to lie at its owner’s charming qualities it seems likely that this breed will soon be adopted into America and European feet, and will often engage in a game of fetch. It also seem yo exhibit something of a sense of humor hearts. and can be endearingly clownish.