A caffè mocha
called mocaccino (Italian:
is a chocolate-flavored
variant of a caffè latte.
Other commonly used
spellings are mochacci-
noand also mochachino.
Like a caffè latte, caffè mo-
cha is based on espresso
and hot milk, but with
added chocolate, typically
in the form of sweet cocoa
powder, although many
varieties use chocolate syr-
up. Mochas can contain
dark or milk chocolate. Caffè mocha, in its most ba-
sic formulation, can also be
referred to as hot chocolate
with (e.g., a shot of) espres-
so added. Like cappucci-
no, caffè mochas typically
contain the distinctive milk
froth on top, although, as
is common with hot choc-
olate, they are sometimes
served with whipped cream
instead. They are usually
topped with a dusting of
either cinnamon or cocoa
powder, and marshmallows
may also be added on top
for flavor and decoration.