Publication Magazine Volume 2 Effortless | Page 3

EDITOR’S NOTE Dearest Reader, Everywhere we look particularly in the news, there seems to be an ongoing barrage of messages highlighting the negative the ugly side of life and of people. Day after day, these messages and images are drawing your attention to the coarse, harsh, vulgar and other nastiness. Meanwhile, quietly present all around us lies Beauty, simply everywhere and in everything. I’m not referring merely to physical beauty, but something much more meaningful… instead, think bigger, think “Beauty in everything”. Nature is the ultimate example of simple beauty, and its existence is a testament to its never-ending beautiful force. No matter how devastating the destruction, nature always prevails, taking over it pushes through and out springs the beauty of life. Man is also capable of creating great beauty, always inspired by nature in some way, and it is expressed everywhere. Beauty is in quality, craftsmanship, architecture, it can fi ll the room the way the sunshine lights up spaces… not drawing your attention as loudly as negativity, but still there and even more worthy of your attention. The truth is, despite those other messages, life is beautiful. Choose quality items, enjoy them. Savor every experience and make even the mundane more luxurious. Weave these things into your every day. Find other ways to intertwine beauty into even the most simple task. Why not visit art galleries more often, watch a play, go to the ballet, opera, eat and linger over a sumptuous meal, go for a walk in a garden and or in the city and take notice of great architecture, beautiful lines, shapes and structures. Marvel at the accomplishments of nature, of man and the art he creates. Traditional pleasures, simple pleasures, that do so much good for the spirit. You may even notice that your days begin to appear a little more magical! II