Publication Magazine Volume 2 Effortless | Page 14

SKIN VISION So how ever do we protect ourselves from over-exposure to the sun? After realizing that most people aren’t getting enough to begin with, the logical answer once you have gotten your sun exposure for the day… get out of the sun! Find some shade, wear some clothes, but get out of the sun. If you are at the beach or on an adventure race, consider a natural sunscreen or a pure zinc oxide formula. Is it really that important? Of course, many people will have trouble accepting the fact that sun exposure is so important, even as study after study show the importance of vitamin D. Of course, it is up to you, ignore the sun and don’t supplement more than the RDA of the big D if you aren’t worried about: Cancer- Research is now estimating that 75% of cancers can be prevented by adequate consumption of Vitamin D. Calcium Levels- Vitamin D controls calcium and phosphate levels in the blood and contributes to bone growth and bone strength Your Immune System-Ever heard of those “t-cells” that protect your body against bacteria and disease? Vitamin D is crucial in their creation and function. Inflammation- Lack of Vitamin D can cause inflammation in the body, then again, so can grain consumption. Have joint pain, soreness or inflammation? Cut the grains and hit the beach! HOW TO GET ENOUGH VITAMIN D ‘Spend a safe amount of time in the sun, but optimize your diet and lifestyle to prevent burning and get out of the sun before skin has a chance to burn’ ‘Use a cover up or a safe sunscreen for long sun exposure’ ‘Get blood levels of Vitamin D tested and supplement if needed to get levels in optimal range’ 10 9