Publication Magazine Volume 2 Art And Soul | Page 8
Have you ever wondered how to draw a human portrait if you’ve never done that before? You
can master a simple technique of drawing the Face even on your own, but at the initial stage you
must draw it in pencil step by step. With a little bit of focus and effort, you should be able to draw
a quality portrait.
Step 1
Draw a horizontal line right in
the middle of the oval to divide
it into two parts, and a parallel
line a little bit lower. From the
middle of the lower line draw
a vertical line and sketch the
base of the nose.
Step 3
You might find the process of
drawing a human face fun and
really absorbing, especially if
you do the first steps correctly.
Then you’ll find it much easier
to continue. Now, please sharp-
en your pencil until it is very
fine. The eyes are typically the
most important part of any por-
trait. Draw the Eyes, the pupils,
the mouth line, and the hairline
using curved oval lines.
In order to draw a realistic-look-
ing portrait, it is important to
properly sketch the oval outline.
You may have to try doing so a
few times. If you want to draw a
portrait as accurate as the one
in my drawing, you must be pa-
tient and diligent.
Step 2