Publication Magazine Volume 2 Art And Soul | Page 14

L A T I G I D E H T T R A WHAT IS DIGITAL ART? Digital art is work made with digital technology or pre- sented on digital technology. This includes images done completely on computer or hand-drawn images scanned into a computer and finished using a software program like Adobe Illustrator. Digital art can also involve anima- tion and 3D virtual sculpture renderings as well as pro- jects that combine several technologies. Some digital art involves manipulation of video images. dia platforms. In short, digital art is a sort of merger between art and technology. It allows many new ways to make art. The term ‘digital art’ was first used in the 1980s in con- nection to an early computer painting program (yes, before they were called apps!). It’s a method of art-mak- ing that lends itself to a multimedia format because it can potentially be viewed in many ways, including on TV and the Internet, on computers, and on multiple social me- Irrational Geometrics digital art installation 2008 by Pascal Dombis 12