The Scene Magazine AUGUST 2024 Public Event Notices To enter your Free Public Event Notice for the month of SEPTEMBER CLICK HERE : https :// form . jotform . com / 50065871292153
Anderson Snow Senior Softball Seeking Players We are looking for players that are 58 + to play softball at the Anderson Snow Sports Complex in Spring Hill . The league was organized over 25 years ago with the idea that the games should be fun , friendly and provide some exercise . There are rules in place to ensure safety . The games are played on Tuesday and Thursday mornings , year round . Call Craig , 904-655-2404 , or John , 352- 238-9841 .
Bowling Buddies of Spring Hill meets at Strike City lanes on Mariner Blvd . on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM . We typically bowl two games . This is not a league , just casual bowlers socializing and having a good time . Everyone is invited . Sign in at front desk a few minutes early . Info : Tom at 352-232-0539
Brookridge Entertainment once again brings a fantastic season to the stage for 2024 / 2025 . Our professional stage concerts are some of the best in Florida . October we start with Rocky & the Rollers ( 50 ’ s / 60 ’ s ) Elvis , The Edward Twins , Decades , Rhinestone Cowgirls , & more . Call ( 352 ) 667-2947 . Oct thru April . 7PM till 9PM
Brookridge Social Dance 8150 Hampton St . 7-10pm BYOB and any snacks Coffee and ice provided August 3rd , Bill D . Williams will perform his unique style of music for us . “ Crusing The Seas ”, our theme for the evening . September 7th will be our “ Movie Night theme ”. No movie , but a lot of great dancing with Angelo who always makes the time fly ! Tickets are available at the door for $ 7 each . Season tickets contact Patty at 317.440.6586 Halloween Party tickets are also on sale Thad at 352.345.5271
Brooksville Horseshoe Club looking for new players . We meet every Tuesday and Thursday at Brookridge Community Clubhouse from 9-11 AM . We have players at all skill levels , from beginners to state champions . We also have shoes you can use and someone to help get you started . Come have some fun in the sun with us . Info : Tom at 352-232-0539 .
Church Ladies : Our mission is to provide friendship , support and charity to our church and community . All Ladies welcome . General Meetings 2nd Sat at 11am , preceded by Coffee Talk Fellowship at 10:15 . No August Meeting . Next meeting Sept . 14 . St . Andrew ’ s Ukrainian Catholic Church , 8064 Weeping Willow St ., Brooksville , 34613 . For Info , email ChurchLadies @ saucc-fl . com .
Crescent Community Clinic will be hosting two fundraising events . Three Charcuterie classes in August and the Dessert Extravaganza on October 29th from 5:30 pm to 8:30pm . Come and enjoy the delicious homemade desserts ! These fundraising events will both be held at Timber Pines . Please contact Bonnie Schmink at 352-207-7720 for details and ticket sales .