Why Public Awareness Is Needed For Thyroid Disease
Effecting around 200 million people, globally, thyroid disease can cause malfunctioning of the
body. Thyroid is a gland present in the human body that produces hormones. It is main hormonal
production that are released into the blood are thyroxine and triiodothronine. For every cell in the
body to function properly, the thyroid hormones should function smoothly. The gland is shaped
as a butterfly and is located at the base of the neck. It is regarded as the control mechanism of
metabolism and is the most basic element for growth. Women are more prone to these disorders.
Mostly, the disorders of thyroid are treatable but it causes adverse effects in different parts of the
Educating about thyroid problems and creating public awareness at a massive level is
highly required. It helps the patients and their families to understand the effects caused by this
illness. This will also help the individuals to consult their physicians in case they have its
symptoms. Disorders of thyroid can be detected by a medical test. Thyroid diseases are of
various kinds. However, the main conditions under discussion here are hypothyroidism and
The underperformance of the thyroid gland causes hypothyroidism which causes the
production of anti-bodies that attack one’s own immune system. Symptoms include weak
heartbeat, cold sensitivity, poor memory, constant fatigues, and goiter, dry or puffy skin.
Hyperthyroidism causes over production of the glands grounds the production of an anti-body
that causes the over production of thyroid glands. Symptoms include rapid heartbeat, muscular
weakness, eye changes, weight loss, increased appetite, anxiety, restlessness, tremors and more.
The psychological effects of thyroid disorder are very excruciating. It happens because the
patients suffer from conditions which the people close to them are unable to decipher. Medical
treatment can help patients recover; however, the initial signs are often not recognized.
Periodic monitoring is required for the patients even after the recovery. The follow ups should be
timely organized with the thyroid specialists or even with family physicians. The screening of
newborns for the detection of any mental retardation was first initiated in Canada. This
monitoring process helps the detected babies’ future treatment.
The scientific study of thyroid disorder is necessary for effective treatments. Though
effective progress has been made, it is important to analyze the underlying causes. Treatments of