Public Art Master Plan March 2021 | Page 5


Why an Art in Public Places Master Plan ?

This plan is being created in order to further operationalize the Art in Public Places program as adopted in 2018 . The Art in Public Places Master Plan seeks to build upon the great work that has already been done to create a strong foundation for public art in Port St . Lucie . With a strong ordinance and consistent funding , the Art in Public Places program is on the brink of making major impacts in the City of Port St . Lucie . Through intention public art will help uplift the city , creating strong , beautiful places that will draw people together and meet the needs of residents and visitors .
Within this document we explain the existing Art in Public Places program , lay out a vision for where it should go in the future , and put forth concrete steps that the city can take in order to make the vision a reality . We focus on using public art to create remarkable places in Port St . Lucie that connect residents with their community , creates an identity for the city , further advance the goals of the city and its residents .