PTQ Issue 1.1 | Page 19

Similarly, another study had athletes ingest 500 mL of 8 mmol concentrated beetroot juice for six days and then performed exercise tests on days four, five, and six. Results showed an increase in time to exhaustion and an increase in oxygen uptake on all days tested (1). An alternate study provided athletes with the beetroot juice supplement only on the days of testing (on four separate occasions) and found significant benefits as well (7). Although the results of the previous study were beneficial for single-dose supplementation, it should be noted that the athletes were supplemented more than one time and continued to show beneficial effects after the study. As a result, continuous supplementation as opposed to one-time dosage of beetroot juice is supported. ARE THERE OTHER FOODS BESIDES BEETROOT? Beetroot is not the only food that contains inorganic nitrates, which may provide these potential benefits. Dark green, leafy vegetables like spinach also contain a fair amount of nitrates; however, most research has focused on beetroot juice. In order to get the 8 mmol of nitrates (the optimal amount shown to have a beneficial effect), an individual would need to consume 200 – 300 g of spinach, or approximately 10 cups (4). This amount is a lot of spinach to eat before a workout and may be an impractical way to obtain nitrates. The question may arise that if it is the nitrates in the beetroot juice that provide these benefits, then why not just consume nitrates directly instead of the juice? A lot of speculation has surrounded the consumption of nitrates since previous studies have linked them to cancer. As a result, it has led to strict regulation of nitrate concentrations in food and water. Current research is beginning to show the benefits of some nitrate-rich foods, which is leading to further investigation within this area (4). Researchers may also argue that beetroot juice does not just contain nitrates; it also contains substances like betaine and antioxidants, which are being tested to determine if any beneficial effects on exercise exist in addition to the nitrates. Therefore, it cannot be concretely stated that it is the nitrates alone in the beetroot juice that attribute to all of these benefits (2). However, benefits were seen within the cited studies. BOTTOM LINE Consuming beetroot juice prior to high-intensity exercise may help improve a workout by increasing the amount of time before lactic acid builds up. Currently, there are multiple products that are sold in health food stores that are concentrated to 8 mmol nitrate in 70 mL (or 2.3 oz) bottles, which may be consumed prior to exercise. REFERENCES 1. Bailey, SJ, Winyard, P, Vanhatalo, A, Blackwell, JR, Wilkerson, DP, Tarr, J, Benjamin, N, and Jones, AM. Dietary nitrate supplementation reduces the O2 cost of low-intensity exercise and enhances tolerance to high-intensity exercise in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology 107: 1144-1155, 2009. 2. Breese, BC, McNarry, MA, Marwood, S, Blackwell, JR, Bailey, SJ, and Jones, AM. Beetroot juice supplementation speeds O2 uptake kinetics and improves exercise tolerance during severeintensity exercise initiated from an elevated metabolic rate. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 305: 1441-1450, 2013. 3. Bryan, NS and Hord, NG. Dietary nitrates and nitrites. In: Bryan, N (Ed.), Food Nutrition and the Nitric Oxide Pathway. Lancaster, PA: Destech Pub Inc; 59-77, 2010. 4. Cermak, NM, Gibala, MJ, and van Loon, LJ. Nitrate supplementation’s improvement of 10-km time-trial performance in trained cyclists. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 22: 64-71, 2012. 5. Cermak, NM, Res, P, Stinkens, R, Lundberg, JO, Gibala, MJ, van Loon, LJ. No improvement in endurance performance following a single dose of beetroot juice. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 22: 470-478, 2012. 6. Thompson, KG, Turner, L, Prichard, J, Dodd, F, Kennedy, DO, Haskell, C, Blackwell, JR, and Jones, AM. Influence of dietary nitrate supplementation on physiological and cognitive response to incremental cycle exercise. Respiratory, Physiology, and Neurobiology 13: 412-416, 2013. 7. Wylie, LJ, Kelly, J, Bailey, SJ, Blackwell, JR, Skiba, PF, Winyard, PG, Jeukendrup, AE, Vanhatalo, A, and Jones, AM. Beetroot juice and exercise: Pharmacodynamics and dose-response relationships. Journal of Applied Physiology 3: 325-336, 2013. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Debra Wein is a recognized expert on health and wellness and designed award-winning programs for both individuals and corporations around the United States. She is the President and Founder of Wellness Workdays, Inc., ( a leading provider of worksite wellness programs. In addition, she is the President and Founder of the partner company, Sensible Nutrition, Inc. (, a consulting firm of registered dietitians and personal trainers, established in 1994, that provides nutrition and wellness services to individuals. She has nearly 20 years of experience working in the health and wellness industry. Her sport nutrition handouts and free weekly email newsletters are available online at Kelly Murphy is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian working for the Dallas, TX office of Sensible Nutrition Inc., a nutrition consulting firm that provides one-on-one nutrition counseling. She has extensive experience with nutrition and wellness as well as athletics. Murphy obtained her undergraduate degree from Cornell University, where she was a four-year varsity athlete. She enjoys combining her passions for both athletics and nutrition to help indiv