PT Solutions August 2013 Vol. 1 | Page 2



Thank you for taking the time to read our inaugural PT Solutions Magazine. When we started 10 years ago in 2003, we were not considering an online magazine, Twitter, or Facebook. We were more concerned with how to operate in a small space with mismatching and old equipment, as the means at our disposal were minimal. In Eufaula, we worked hard for every patient. In order to grow toward our eventual goal of a thriving outpatient clinic, we pursued every case, did home health, and saw patients at the hospital. Above all else, we made our ourselves available.

We were focused then on the very same things we focus on today:

•Providing superior patient care that demonstrates true effectiveness in both service and the functional outcome of the patient

•Given the rapid changes in healthcare, PT Solutions is innovative in its service delivery model

•Make sure our therapists are guided to communicate, treat, and demonstrate superior care to all the parties involved: patient, family member, physician, the community we serve, and insurance companies

•Provide our therapists with the opportunity to advance and grow both clinically and professionally