Psychopomp Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 29

Tasha Coryell | 29

1 ice cream sundae

Waiter (allegedly):

The three of them came together, but it was clear that one of them was only there for support, in that her head was being supported by their shared body. The hostess didn’t know how to seat them and so she led them to a round table and let them seat themselves. The man kept putting his hands on the one girl’s face and the other one was just hanging there. She wasn’t the third wheel as much as she was the second head. I kept refilling her water glass, but she didn’t order anything, and the other two didn’t offer. The girl on the date just kept drinking wine, and after awhile she started slurring her words. I bet the other one would’ve too, if she had talked at all, but she didn't didn't say a word the whole time. They ordered dessert and I asked them if they wanted three spoons, and they said they only wanted two. They didn’t even finish their dessert. The man paid. He wasn’t very attractive, but I guess you have to be a special type to go out with a girl like that.

Police report:

Subject 1 and Subject 2 appeared intoxicated. They were having both a verbal and physical altercation. Neither Subject was harmed during the altercation, as they were unable to make contact with the other’s face. Allegedly, Subject 1 had sexual relations with a man without the consent of Subject 2. Subject 2 reports screaming repeatedly, “No, no, no, I don’t want you to do this, stop, this is my body too, you have no right to do this.” I asked Subject 2 if they wanted to file charges and they said yes, but Subject 1 refused, saying she had a right to use her body however she wanted. Since we were unable to separate the girls, we put them in the back of the squad car and brought them to precinct, where they are in the holding cell until they calm down. Unsure how to proceed from here.

They complain when they are only given one set of handcuffs, only take one mugshot, and given one phone call even though they call the same person and say the same thing