Psychopomp Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 24

24 | Psychopomp Magazine

On the softball team they are counted as one player, because they need both their legs to run. The coach calls them by their last name only. They become the first people to hit a homerun simultaneously. The Guinness Book of World Records refuses to acknowledge their feat, claiming they are not playing by the rules.

When it is discovered they can drive together, two hands belonging to two separate brains, steering the car in the same direction, the government begins experimenting (undocumented, only evidenced in the Youtube video titled CONSPIRACY THEORY 25 now deleted) with cutting bodies in half and gluing them together to see if they’ll make a whole. There’s grainy footage of people with a line down the middle of their body whose faces don’t quite add up, but it could have been done with marker. Video Commentary (allegedly, sounds like the voice of a young person. He yells for most of the video, parts of his speech becoming incomprehensible at times): they could at least pick people who go well together. The eyes never matched up and the noses, they were all over the place. It was most interesting when they put an introvert and an extrovert together. The extrovert would be screaming and the introvert would be suffering their pain in silence. It was very painful of course. People said, or would’ve said if they had known about it, that no experiment had been so cruel since the infamous Henry Harlow, who took all those monkeys away from their mothers. This is what the government is doing, our government. We ask them about it and they refuse to talk, only mentioning something about fracturing, whatever that means. When one half died, the other half would start to die immediately. Four halves of bodies, all died at the same time, coming loose at the seams.

An article is written that nobody reads titled, “Proof of the collective unconscious?” that includes a video of the child[ren] typing together. In pencil someone scrawls: It’s not collective if they’re the only ones.