Lisa Beebe lives in Los Angeles, where she sometimes talks to the ocean. She volunteers with WriteGirl, an organization that provides creative writing mentoring for teenage girls. Find Lisa online at
Jennifer Dane Clements received her MFA in creative writing from George Mason University, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of So to Speak: A Feminist Journal of Language & Art. A writer of prose and plays, her work has appeared in publications such as WordRiot and, and she contributes monthly reviews for the website As It Ought to Be. Her plays have been produced by Capital Repertory Theatre (Albany, NY), Creative Cauldron (Falls Church, VA), and elsewhere. Clements currently works at a theatre organization in Washington, DC and serves as a prose editor for ink&coda. More at
Deborah DeNicola wears several writing hats as a poet, fiction writer, memoirist, critic, essayist, editor and blogger. Her most recent publication is a full collection of poetry, Original Human, from WordTech Communications Press and her spiritual memoir The Future That Brought Her Here, from Nicholas Hays /IBIS Press, which reached #1 in Psychology and Social Sciences on The memoir, concerned with medieval history, dream image work, travels to Israel, and Jungian thought, contains a sequence of poems to heal her relationship with her deceased father. The poems won her an Individual Artist Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Christopher David DiCicco loves his wife and children—not writing minimalist stories. But he does. Work in Superstition Review, Bartleby Snopes, Nib, Litro, WhiskeyPaper, The Cossack and other fine publications. Visit for more published work.
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